I’m Paula.
I have lost over 30kg in weight. I have done that without risky surgery, inconvenient fad diets or expensive exercise gear.
I am a mum, I run my own business, I’m a qualified personal trainer, Nutrition Coach and I now share how I have changed my life, got off medication and almost halved my dress size.
Where does the story start? How did I end up so overweight to begin with? My story will be similar to so many others.
I was a chubby baby and toddler, an overweight kid and teenager and then, welcome to adulthood. In my early 20s, I lost a lot of weight and for the first time I remember being happy with my size.
However, it lasted only a short time as I got sick and spent 6 months in bed recovering. My weight steadily climbed from there, and by the time I reached 30, I was over 100kgs. I had dreams that I saw slipping away. I realised that if I didn’t do something about my weight, I was never going to achieve them.
So I did something.
I invested in me.

I survived cancer with a very different, much more relaxed attitude towards life. However, my weight over the following 10 years skyrocketed. My early 40s saw me topping the scales at 118kg, high blood pressure, on medications to attempt to control it, depressed, stressed and generally hitting rock bottom. I had to do something.
But I had tried everything before, and unsuccessfully. What was going to be different this time? I really didn’t know, but I now had 2 young children who depended on me and drained me of all my energy. I was so busy doing so many things for other people, I had forgotten to look after myself. Even though I knew, and counselled other mothers to put themselves first, I didn’t do that for myself.

With two young children who depended on me, it was time to do something about my health.
“Fitness is not about being better than someone else, it’s about being better than you used to be.”
I needed to step back and put myself first.
And that is where it began. I had reached a point where I thought I was going to be fat my whole life; that being overweight was my lot. I had decided that some of the things I wanted to do that required fitness were never going to happen; they were just not things I was ever going to be capable of.
So, I changed my outlook.
And that is when my life began to change. I am not going to lie, it has not all been easy. But it has been extremely rewarding and my life will never be the same. It turns out I was wrong about always being fat, and wrong about never being able to do some of those dreams that require fitness and strength.

I have become extremely passionate about movement and the process of bettering myself and helping others to do the same. My thoughts are filled with the next physical challenge and how I am going to make it happen, or with the next delicious, healthy meal.
So now I am here: living a healthy active and positive life.
How Good Is That! Let’s Make It Happen For You Too!
Mobile Personal Trainer, North Shore, Auckland
If you strive for a slimmer, healthier, more balanced you, I would love you to join me. I will share my strategies. tips and energy and we’ll make it happen together.
I am based on Auckland’s North Shore. Not far from my home in Glenfield, is my favourite park in Sunnynook where I prefer to do my exercise routines. As your Personal Trainer, I can come to you, you can come to me, or we can meet in the middle. I work all over Auckland’s North Shore: Northcote, Takapuna, Beach haven, Albany, Mairangi Bay, Birkenhead, Milord ….. If you would like help to get your health goals on track call, text 021 125 8219 or send me an email and we can discuss the options available to us.
If you would prefer not to do face-to-face personalised training or you don’t live near me but still interested in working with me, I can still help you. I can design you a personalised training plan, help with nutrition and provide advice and support. If you can get online, then I can help you get in shape.

Progress Photos
I would love to meet you. Drop me a line in and tell me your story. I look forward to getting to know you.
Paula 🙂